Cherry diseases and pests
The most dangerous disease is brown rot of stone trees, which also affects cherries and cherries, first of all, it attacks shoots, flowers and fruit. It is recommended to cut affected shoots and spray with Miedzian 50 – 0,1%. The first spraying is done shortly before the trees bloom. If it rains during the flowering period, then this procedure should be repeated. Spraying also destroys other diseases, namely, bacterial cancer and leaf perforation.
Symptoms of bacterial cancer can appear on all parts of the tree. Cancer wounds form on the branches and limbs and there is profuse leakage of rubber.
The most dangerous pest of sweet cherries is the trześniówka seedfly, whose larvae cause the so-called. fruit worming.
The pupae hibernate in a straw-yellow bean plant approx 5 mm, in the soil, at depth 5 Cm. The first flies fly out at the end of May or the first days of June. They are combated by spraying, at the end of flowering – Basudinem 25 EC (0,1%) or Decisem 25 EC (0,05%) – the most effective treatment in 7-8 days after the first flies have left.