Ringing – Cutting the bark – Pulling out the buds


Ringing, similarly to bending shoots, it belongs to very old horticultural procedures. So far, it has not been widely used in practice. Sometimes it is used occasionally in order to inhibit too intensive growth of trees.
Ringing is performed as follows. Around the limb or trunk …

Influence of pruning on the regularity of fruiting

Influence of pruning on the regularity of fruiting

Many varieties of apple trees, pear and plum trees show a tendency to alternate fruiting, that is, producing a crop every other year. Alternate fruiting occurs primarily in naturally very fertile varieties, which have the ability to bear fruit …

The influence of cutting on the size of the fruit yield

Cutting young trees and shrubs - by reducing the number of fruit-bearing shoots and flower buds, it almost always reduces the fruit yield. Therefore, young trees are recommended to be pruned only when necessary and as little as possible. It is different with older trees. After the trees entered in …

The effect of pruning on the growth of trees and shrubs

Even at the beginning of the previous century it was considered, that pruning has only beneficial effects on the growth of trees and their fruiting. Such a view prevailed during the period, when European horticulture developed under the influence of the art of gardening from the nineteenth-century palace gardens. When in years …

Collecting, sorting and storage of willow, wicker

The willows are cut during the dormant period, that is from November to the end of February (the old rules dictate, to do this as the moon is waning). The absence of leaves on the branches is a clue, that the time is right. If someone doesn't have their own trees, this before shearing …

The art of plaiting in the past

The art of plaiting has become very popular, both geographically, and historical. Already the Nomads, collectors and hunters have been using wicker products since ancient times. Thus, basketry, along with pottery, is one of the oldest crafts in the world. Although most of the weaving facilities of that time did not survive …

Willow species, their specific features and application

Almond willow (in. three-rod) (Salix triandra) The name comes from here, that its leaves are similar to those of almond trees, they are characterized by juicy greenery and are usually the widest in the middle. Shoots are long and strong. In the wild, it grows as a shrub, …