Diseases and pests of apple trees

There are also aphids on the apple tree, which we fight during the green bud period with such sprays, how: Bactospeine Garden – 0,5%, Basudin 25 EC – 0,1%, Anthio (0,15%), pyrimor 50 DP (0,05%), Determined 2,5 EC (0,05%) and at the end of April we use it again: Basudin, Anthio the Pirimor.

Unusual, appearing every few years, there is a cottonberry. It mainly feeds on young shoots (2-, 3-summer), it can also be found on older branches, as well as on the branches and trunk. This aphid is covered with a strong waxy coating, therefore its colonies resemble cotton wool. Cotton wool doesn't just suck juices, but it also causes distortions and the formation of galls, and then crayfish. Young larvae most often hibernate on the root collar under snow. They are fought against, brushing aphid colonies with denatured alcohol or Carboline DNK in the early spring period (3%) and spraying at the end of flowering – Pirimore 50 DP (0,05%) + wetting agent.

In neglected trees, apple honeydew may nest. This insect resembles an aphid. Its harmfulness consists not only in sucking out plant juices, but also producing a lot of secretions, the so-called. honey dew, which strongly adheres to leaf and flower buds, not letting them develop. Later, the honeysuckle also feeds on young fruit buds, which are distorted, and some of them fall off. They hibernate. Apple honeydew can be combated with the so-called. by wintering either at the end of bud break or at the beginning of the green flower phase, by spraying (0,3%) The sadophos of Col.. 30 or Insadofos Pł. 50 in concentration 0,15%.

In May, "tents" are visible in the crown of apple trees” made of yarn, which caterpillars of the apple tree tent wrap several leaves at once. This butterfly lays eggs on young shoots and covers them with a sticky mass, which, freezing, forms a flat disc. Hatched caterpillars feed and – building the aforementioned "tents” – hide within them, a dozen or so, several dozen pieces, eating completely the leaves on the wounded branch. Tent control is spraying the trees in the pink flower bud stage, before the caterpillars take refuge in the "tents”. The use of such preparations is recommended, how: Insectophos. 50 (0,15%), Determined 2,5 EC (0,05%), Basudin 25 EC (0,1%), Gardona 24 EC (0,3%) lub Bactospeine Garden (0,5%), Bactospeine WP (0,1%).

Many other pests also feed on apple trees, whose so-called. large caterpillars eat leaves. Belong to them: rating of the tarniówka, gypsy moth, kuprówka rudnica and non-shred hawthorn.

The female wart hibernates in the egg stage ( in one bed there is 200-300 Eggs). The caterpillars hatch in spring, most often during the flowering of apple trees. Young caterpillars initially feed on the leaves, later also on fruit buds, in which they bite holes. The second generation of this pest appears in July and feeds until the fall. It is combated by collecting eggs during the winter, and if we didn't, we should spray the trees with preparations from the end of flowering to the June fruit drop: Bactospeine WP (0,1%), Gardona 24 EC (0,3%) or Insadofos Pł. 50 (0,15%).

Gypsy moth hibernates also in the egg stage. Caterpillars hatch in spring, which have very long hair, thanks to which they are transported by the wind over long distances. They forage during the summer, by eating the leaves. Gypsy moth can be fought in autumn or winter, by scraping from the trunks and burning the egg beds, which look brown, felt pads. During the growing season, the trees should be sprayed with preparations immediately after the leaves have developed: Insectophos of Col.. 50 (0,15%), Determined 2,5 EC (0,05%), Gardona 24 EC (0,3), Foschlor col. 25 (0,2%), Metox col 30 (0,6%).

The blackthorn and the shaghead hawthorn winter in the stage of young caterpillars in winter nests, clearly visible on leafless trees. The red-breasted mule creates winter nests from a few leaves firmly attached to the twig, the caterpillars of the lagweed hawthorn make winter nests from one leaf, which hangs from the twig. Such nests should be cut and burned. In the event of a mass occurrence of these pests, they are combated with the same preparations, what and a gypsy moth.

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